My son had been playing hockey since he was 5 years old, so it was surprising that at 10 he suddenly had a severe irritation on his hands. We thought maybe it was a food reaction so we eliminated common allergins, to no avail. After numerous visits to dermatologists, they suggested creams and steroids that were overpriced and didn’t help. It really felt like we were only masking a problem while making our pockets lighter. Next, we changed out his gear but that didn’t seem to help either. We purchased numerous body-friendly hand creams and applied them religiously at night to try to repair and retain any moisture we could. We then tried gloves inside gloves. It was evident the situation was getting worse.

His mom came across DuraDerm SPORT in her online research and ordered a couple of boxes to give it a try. Initially, we didn’t know how much to apply or how often so we didn’t see an improvement. He got to the point where he was ready to throw in the towel and quit hockey altogether.