1 revolutionary product. 2 ways to apply.
Why the bottle and sticks? Besides the cost savings, the bottle is essential for your medicine cabinet. The individually wrapped sticks are your “on-the-go” solution for applications and or emergencies.

Why DuraDerm SPORT?
DuraDerm SPORT is FDA cleared
Proven to kill pathogens on contact; including MRSA, Staph and Candida auris
Antibiotic-free; no side effects or resistance
Forms an elastomeric film barrier; expands and contracts with your movement
Clinically proven to protect the area from water, dirt and debris
The film barrier is clear, waterproof, organic, biodegradable; easy to remove with soap and water
Unparalleled protection at home and on the go

Why DuraDerm SPORT sticks?
Individually wrapped
Acute skin injuries or irritations
Sealed and waterproof
Emergency kit necessity
Separate and store in multiple locations
Quick and easy to open and apply
“On-the-go” solution

Why a DuraDerm SPORT bottle?
Ideal for at-home or in-facility use
Recurring or chronic conditions
Useful for larger wounds
Can be applied in multiple ways
Reseal for extended shelf life
Less waste
Three-year shelf life
“During hockey season, I use DuraDerm SPORT every day. I have a bottle in my bathroom and apply it before practice. I also keep a few sticks in my bag for any cuts or scapes during a game”
Order your DuraDerm SPORT Duo now!

Official Infection Prevention Partner of

DuraDerm® SPORT is a FDA cleared Class I medical device. DuraDerm® SPORT is a non-antibiotic, microbicidal liquid polymer that forms a protective film barrier over the skin. WARNING: For use on minor wounds, cuts, abrasions, burns and scrapes that are clean and dry. Not for use on deep, infected, or puncture wounds. Do not use near eyes or mouth.